Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa

I am very happy to report that my upcoming book "Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa" published by Ave Maria Press publishing Company which will be available in early January in time for your family Lenten journey and is now listed on here:

I thoroughly enjoyed writing this book and pray it brings much inspiration to families all over! 

A description of the books is as follows:

This daily companion for families draws from the wisdom of Mother Teresa, guiding parents and children alike to put her words into practice and “do small things with great love.” While most Lenten booklets focus on individual or small groups, this booklet is for families. Parents can pause and pray each day by reading a short quotation from Mother Teresa and using the Reflection for Parents as a touch point for their own prayer.

It then provides the resources a parent needs to gather the family together for a time of prayer and conversation. Family prayer time that includes the quotation from Mother Teresa and a story about her life is followed by practical suggestions on how to put into practice each day the threefold call of Lent: to fast, pray, and give alms or care for the poor.

On Sundays, the focus is drawn from the themes assigned to that Sunday of Lent and a project for the week ahead is suggested. The booklet can be used with any of the three Catholic lectionary cycles and is designed for use with children through preteen years.

This book is available from my website  and from the publisher Ave Maria Press, as well as Amazon.

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