Friday, September 11, 2009

Please pray for little David...

UPDATE; David had to get stiches and he's healing up fine. Thanks for your prayers!

I just received an email from a woman who just started a study group of my book: The Domestic Church Room by Room. I will delete parts of her message and you'll get the gist of it - but I am asking for prayers for this little boy, please. Here's her note:

"We just had a gathering of the women who are meeting to study your book. It was a beautiful morning. I just want to double check that we are set for xxxxxxxxx - the whole group seems really excited.

I'm also asking for your prayers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was the woman who ordered the books from you. We met at her house and at the end of our rosary the school nurse called about her son, David. He had just received a blow to the head at school and they were calling the ambulance. David had a severe concussion back in the spring. I don't know how serious the situation is - but please pray for them. We are all very concerned."

So, dear friends, please pray for little David. Thank you very much in advance. I told the woman who sent the email that I would get the word out for prayer immediately.

Dear Lord and Blessed Mother Mary, please help little David and his family. Please heal his head now. Dear Mother Teresa, please intercede before the Blessed Trinity for this intention. Amen

God bless you all!



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