Monday, March 8, 2010

New review of my book Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine Month Novena for Mothers to Be

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle is a Catholic wife, mother of five, author, speaker, and Lay Missionary of Charity. Inspired by the idea that pregnancy spans nine months, Donna Marie created a guide to using this period of time for a novena of prayers and reflection on the blessing of new life.

This reflective journal helps you pray through your pregnancy, using beautiful meditations on all the mysteries of the Rosary and asking the intercession of Saint Anne and Saint Gerard Majella in particular. Interspersed with these prayers are descriptions of the baby's development and quotes from wonderful models of love such as Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (a personal friend of Donna-Marie's). These nuggets of wisdom will deepen your appreciation for the incredible dignity of life.

As I pray through this book, I am so grateful for the peace I am finding. It can be difficult to simply appreciate pregnancy. After all, everything about a pregnancy is oriented towards its conclusion. We can't help but ponder names, prepare for labor, and dream about cuddling a new baby. These thoughts can be fun, but they can also prevent us from enjoying the experience of pregnancy itself. Prayerfully Expecting helps us slow down and find God in the process and not just the product. It offers a window into how God sees pregnancy- as a gift of self and an act of love.
(review posted on Amazon.Com by Anne McClure)

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