Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday Night Live: St. Gianna Molla - Tom McKenna & Pierluigi Molla


  1. Donna, thanks so much for posting this. I turned on the radio Sunday night and heard some of this interview. It was incredible to realize that my son had just had breakfast with Pierluigi a couple days before, and I was honored to shake his hand the next evening, here in North Dakota. And then, to hear him talking on this program...pretty amazing how small the world becomes when we Christians cross paths with one another. I've already begun calling on St. Gianna, and it doesn't feel strange at all, just having met her son, and to realize what an inspiration she is to mothers everywhere. So glad to have this link! Blessings, friend...

  2. How wonderful that you were able to meet him - the son of a saint - a saint himself, I'm sure. Keep calling on St. Gianna!
    God bless and hugs!


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