Monday, July 11, 2011

Feast of Saint Benedict

Today is the the feast of St. Benedict. Let's pray for his intercession.

From my book: Catholic Saints Prayer Book (OSV, 2008):

 St. Benedict

480-543 • Feast Day: March 21

Patron of Europe and against poisoning


“To pray for one’s enemies in the love of Christ; to make peace with one’s adversary before sundown

and never to despair of God’s mercy.”


St. Benedict was born in the year 480 at Nursia in southern Italy, to a noble Roman family.

Benedict saw the corruption of the world in his youthmand left home to live in a cave in the mountain of

Subiaco, near Rome. There he was taught the Christian ascetical life by St. Romanus.

Benedict quickly attracted a large number of disciples because of his holiness. In 529, he left for

Monte Cassino, where he founded the great abbey that became a center of the religious life in Europe.

Abbot Benedict wrote “The Rule,” instructions for monastic life that would become the basis of religious

life for all Western religious orders and congregations of his time. The Rule teaches the way to perfection

through mortification, humility, obedience, prayer silence, and detachment from the world. Some conspired

against him, not wanting to obey the Rule. However, countless souls were converted by Benedict’s

holiness and his Rule of life.Many miracles have been attributed to Benedict,

including raising a boy from the dead. He trusted God for everything. Money and food always showed up

when he needed it. Benedict foretold the day of his death and was then seized with a violent fever.

On the sixth day of illness, March 21, 543, he was carried into the chapel by his disciples to

receive the Body and Blood of Jesus. He then raised his arms to heaven and prayed his last prayer

before dying at the altar. Many miracles have occurred through Benedict’s

intercession.The highly esteemed medal of St. Benedict dates back to the time of

the abbot himself, who frequently battled evil spirits. The St. Benedict medal is blessed with three solemn

prayers by a Benedictine monk or authorized priest; one of the blessings is an

exorcism. This medal is known for having much power over evil. It offers powerful protection in spir-

itual and temporal needs when worn or used with devotion and a trust in the life-giving power of the holy

Cross and the merits of St. Benedict.

Prayer to St. Benedict

Dear St. Benedict, so many miracles have been attributed

to you. Your reputation to protect against

evil is comforting to me as I invoke your assistance.

Please protect me, my family, and my loved ones from

every evil and all harm. St. Benedict, pray for us and

for all who invoke your aid. If it is in God’s holy will,

please grant me (here mention your request). Amen
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