Sunday, January 30, 2011

Monday morning at 8:00 AM on "Seize the Day!"

I will be chatting with Gus Lloyd tomorrow morning on "Seize the Day" Sirius Radio at 8:00 AM Eastern time. I hope you can tune in.


  1. I heard your segment today & that's why I'm here. I'll be subscribing to your blog & searching out at least one copy of your book!

  2. Wonderful, Erika! Thanks for stopping by. Let me know if I can be of help. Autographed copies of my books can be ordered through my website (link on top left column of this blog). The new book I spoke about on Gus's show "A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers" is on the main page of my website at the bottom.

    God bless you!

    PS I have other blogs too, one is brand new and is called "Tea With Donna-Marie."

  3. My three friends and I are beginning today our study of the domestic church: room by room, I've been having this book and finally we are getting together to start it, we are very excited. Please remember us in your prayers, I have several of your books but I'm looking forward to buy "Mother Teresa and Me".
    God bless you Donna-Marie.

  4. Thank you for stopping by, Patricia. I certainly will keep you all in my prayers. If you need more books, just let me know. For study groups, I offer free shipping and handling (from my website).

    Regarding Mother Teresa and Me, I just ordered a batch and will have them soon. An autographed copy can be ordered from my website too.

    God bless you and your family and girlfriends doing the study!



I welcome your comments, thanks for stopping by! :)