Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Moms under pressure and transformation with prayer...

Some time ago, I discussed sith my friend Teresa Tomeo, some of the pressures that are heaped upon Moms these days and also some prayer strategies on our Mom's Corner segment on "Catholic Connection" (Ave Maria Radio and aired through EWTN). In case you didn't catch the segment, You can listen right here today or any time that you have a few minutes.

What are your strategies? How do you fit prayer into your lives? What do you do to combat the pressures of the culture aimed at women? Please share your ideas and strategies for prayer with all of us. I will look forward to hearing from you!

May God bless your day!




  1. Donna, I always start my day by reading the daily scriptures and then attending Mass. It's my breath. I can't live without it! I try to keep God in mind all day, and write about God as much as I can. Adoration, rosary and family prayer all fits in as much as possible as well. After a time, it all becomes part of a normal day. In our family, we especially try to focus on special occasions and liturgical seasons (we celebrate our children's namesake Saints Feastdays, advent wreaths, way of the cross during Lent, etc.) My children see that pray is what life is all about and without God, we are nothing.

  2. Anne,

    Thanks so much for sharing. I really appreciate it and know that it will help others who may be struggling to find time for prayer or who may feel that it just doesn't fit into busy schedules.

    It is so important to weave prayer all throughout our days, isn't it? Then our lives can become beautiful prayers to our God!




I welcome your comments, thanks for stopping by! :)